Tharu Vikas Bhavan of Rana Tharu Samaj: Strategy towards making it a symbol of self-respect and honour from a place of pride: An idea: Naveen Singh Rana

Tharu Vikas Bhavan of Rana Tharu Samaj: Strategy towards making it a symbol of self-respect and honour from a place of pride: An idea
: Naveen Singh Rana

Tharu Vikas Bhawan of Rana Tharu Samaj is not only a place of pride for this society, but it is also an important center for preserving the cultural, historical and social heritage of the society. This building is a symbol of the glorious history and heritage that has given identity to the Rana Tharu society. Many important efforts are required to connect this place of pride to the heart of every person of the society, make it a symbol of self-respect and establish it as a respected place for the people of other societies.

1. ** To promote the cultural importance of Tharu Vikas Bhawan **

The main objective of Tharu Vikas Bhavan is to preserve and propagate the cultural heritage of the Rana Tharu society. For this, it is necessary that this building should have a comprehensive display of the history, art, music, and traditions of the society.

- ** Construction of Cultural Museum **: A permanent cultural museum should be established in the building, which will display historical documents, ancient clothes, art samples, and traditional musical instruments of the Rana Tharu community. This museum will not only connect the people of the community with their glorious past, but will also introduce people of other communities to this rich culture.

- ** Organizing Cultural Programs** : Cultural programs should be organized in the building at regular intervals, which should showcase the traditional dance, music, and other cultural activities of the Rana Tharu community. All sections of the society should be involved in such programs, so that they can connect with their cultural heritage.

2. ** Centre of Educational and Research Activities **

Efforts should be made to make Tharu Vikas Bhawan the centre for educational and research activities of Rana Tharu society.

- ** Establishment of a Research Centre **: A research centre can be set up in the building where research can be done on the history, traditions, and social structures of the society. This centre will provide an opportunity to the younger generation to learn about their society in depth and will keep them connected to the rich heritage of the society.

- **Organizing Educational Workshops and Seminars **: Various educational workshops, seminars, and symposia should be organized in the building to discuss issues related to social development, education, health, and employment. This will establish the building as a knowledge hub where people from the society can exchange new ideas and knowledge.

3. ** Symbol of community unity and self-respect **

To make Tharu Vikas Bhawan a symbol of community unity and self-respect, it is necessary that all sections of the society should be encouraged to connect with this place.

- ** Organizing Community Meetings **: Community meetings should be organized at regular intervals in the building, which should include all sections of the society. In these meetings, the problems of the society and their solutions can be discussed, so that all the members of the society can unite and contribute to the development of their society.

- ** Social service and cleanliness campaigns ** : Social service and cleanliness campaigns can be organized through the building, in which the members of the society participate collectively. This will not only increase their responsibility towards the building, but will also strengthen the self-respect of the society.

4. ** Established as a place of respect for other societies**

To establish Tharu Vikas Bhawan as a respected place for other communities, it is necessary for the place to become inclusive and supportive.

- ** Inter-community dialogue and cooperation **: The building can host events to encourage dialogue and cooperation with different communities. This will enable the cultural heritage of the Rana Tharu community to be shared with other communities, and the building will become a respected place.

- ** Honoring eminent persons of the society* *: Functions can be organized at Tharu Vikas Bhavan to honor eminent persons of various societies. This will not only increase respect and honor towards the society, but will also establish a positive relationship with other societies.

5. * *Physical and technical development of the building* *

Efforts should be made to make the physical structure and technical facilities of Tharu Vikas Bhawan modern and attractive.

- ** Expansion of Facilities* *: The building should be equipped with high quality facilities, such as library, auditorium, and computer centre, to make it a modern and impressive place.

- ** Technological Upgradation** : The building should be equipped with modern technological facilities such as Wi-Fi, multimedia projection, and digital records. This will establish the building as a progressive and futuristic place.

** conclusion* *

Tharu Vikas Bhavan of Rana Tharu Samaj is a symbol of the society's glorious heritage. Multidimensional efforts are required to connect it with the people, make it a place of self-respect and establish it as a respected place for other societies. A center of cultural and educational activities, a symbol of community unity and cooperation, and equipped with modern facilities, this building can become a symbol of pride and self-respect of Rana Tharu Samaj. All sections of the society will have to make efforts in this direction, so that Tharu Vikas Bhavan can become an ideal and inspirational place not only for Rana Tharu Samaj but also for other societies.
Note: The above are personal views, other people may have different views.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

**"मेहनत और सफलता की यात्रा: हंसवाहिनी कोचिंग की कहानी"**

राणा समाज और उनकी उच्च संस्कृति written by shrimati pushpa Rana