Renewal and continuity in organization: Future direction of Rana Tharu society~ A reflection
Renewal and continuity in organization: Future direction of Rana Tharu society~ A reflection
An organizational structure of Rana Tharu Samaj has been serving the society for the past many years. In this long journey, the organization has faced many difficulties and has done many important works in the interest of the society. The leadership of this organization has been in the hands of some prominent persons, who have brought the organization to this level with their experience, dedication and skills. But, with time, it is being seen that the age of these senior members is now between 70 to 75 years. These people are constantly changing the posts in the organization, due to which the youth are not getting the opportunity to learn and join the leadership.
This situation can be a matter of concern for any organization. In such a situation, the question arises: **What will be the future of the organization after them?** Will the younger generation be able to take the organization forward due to lack of experience, or will the existence of the organization be in danger? The purpose of this article is to find a solution to this question and present an inspiring discussion to infuse new energy into the organization.
### **Importance of senior members and exchange of experiences**
The direction that the senior members have given to the organization is invaluable. Their experience, struggle and decision making ability should be seen as a legacy for the organization. But, if this experience is limited to them only, the development of the organization can stop. It is important that this experience reaches the new generation so that the organization can continue to move forward.
Senior members should share their experience and knowledge with the younger members. They must understand that the future of the organization will be secure only when the younger generation realizes the responsibilities and moves forward with experience. Experience can be taught to the younger members through **Mentorship Program** or **Informal Training Sessions**.
### **Creating opportunities for youth**
Change comes in any organisation when new thinking, new energy and new leadership get a chance. The same change is necessary in the organisation of Rana Tharu Samaj. Time limit should be fixed on the posts to include the youth in the leadership.
For example, the term of positions like president or secretary should be limited to 3 to 5 years. This will also allow new members to gain leadership experience. Also, it is important to ensure that the election process is transparent and regular. This will solve the problem that only a few people hold power over the organization.
### **Joint Leadership: Coordination of the New and the Old**
It is not enough to just bring about change in the organization, but it is important to develop a model in which there is coordination between new and old members. The organization should adopt a **joint leadership model** in which senior members work as advisors and younger members hold responsible positions. This will involve the younger generation in the decision-making process, but the senior members will be their guides.
This model will strengthen the organization as it will have a balance of experience and new thinking. Along with this, **young leadership will also be taught to face challenges** so that they can lead the organization effectively in the future.
### **Rethinking the organization's long-term goals**
When we talk about leadership and responsibilities in the organization, it is important to also reconsider the **long-term goals** of the organization. The primary objective of the Rana Tharu Samaj organization is to advance and improve the society. Keeping this objective in mind, it is important to form **different task forces** within the organization, where different members can contribute according to their interest and ability.
For example, sub-committees can be formed in areas like **education, health, employment**, which will be led by young members and guided by senior members. This will not only increase the participation of the young generation in the organization, but will also lead to development in these areas in the society.
### **Steps to Inspiring Change**
Renovation and change of leadership in the Rana Tharu Samaj organisation is the need of the hour. But this change will be possible only when old and new members embrace it together. Here are some key steps that can be taken to strengthen the organisation:
1. **Fixing Leadership Term Limits**: Tenure limits should be set for positions like President, Secretary so that new people can also take up responsibility.
2. **Mentorship Program**: Senior members provide guidance and experience to younger members.
3. **Joint Leadership Model**: Combined leadership of senior and young members will strengthen the organization.
4. **Formation of Organizational Task Force**: Youth should be assigned responsibilities through different sub-committees.
5. **Focus on development programs**: New programs should be implemented for development in various sectors of the society in which the young generation should be involved.
### **conclusion**
The organization of Rana Tharu Samaj has been serving the society for the last many years, but now it needs a new direction. This direction will be found only when the leadership in the organization is renewed and the youth are also given responsibility. Old and new members will have to work together to strengthen the organization. This organization is not only in the interest of the society, but is also an important medium to decide the direction of the society.
**Therefore, we all have to pledge together that we will bring changes in the organization to make it more effective and future ready.**