Rana Tharu society: Challenges and possibilities in the path of development **: ✍️Naveen Singh Rana

Rana Tharu society: Challenges and possibilities in the path of development **
: From the pen of Naveen Singh Rana

After independence, India took big steps towards development. Every class, every society contributed to the creation of a new India. But there were some societies which could not fully participate in this race of development, and one of them is the Rana Tharu society. Although this society has made significant progress in the field of agriculture and education, it is still struggling to reach heights in business, become a big officer, and reach high positions in politics.

### Historical perspective and current situation

The history of Rana Tharu society is unique, this society has been associated with its traditional lifestyle and agriculture based economy for centuries. After independence, when the wind of development was blowing in other parts of the country, the Rana Tharu society also started moving forward in the field of education and agriculture. Initiatives like sending children to school, and using new techniques in farming were signs of change in the society.

However, despite this change, the Rana Tharu society has not become economically stable. Even today, this society is stuck in old beliefs and traditions, which are hindering their development. Despite the awakening of education, a large part of the society has lagged behind in the race to reach higher education, business, and higher positions.

### Economic and social challenges

The pace of improvement in the economic condition of the Rana Tharu society has been slow. There are many reasons for this, one of the main reasons being the excessive dependence of the society on traditional farming. Farming has been the backbone of this society, but the income generated from it is not enough to meet the needs of the society. Apart from this, lack of access to the market and not getting a fair price for agricultural products is also a big problem.

The contribution of Rana Tharu society in the field of business has been limited. Small scale business is definitely seen, but no initiative has been taken so far to do business on a large scale. The main reason for this is the lack of education and economic resources as well as the lack of skills and information required for business.

The participation of Rana Tharu society in the field of politics has been negligible. Some members of the society have been active at the Panchayat level or in local elections, but there is no special representation of the society at the national or state level. This is also a big reason why the voice of the society does not reach the political forums and their problems are not solved.

### Importance of education and its current need

Education is the foundation of development of any society. Rana Tharu society has taken steps towards education, but this effort is still incomplete. The number of youth receiving higher education is less, and even those who study are not able to reach higher positions.

There can be many reasons behind this, such as lack of quality of education, lack of career guidance, and lack of confidence among the children of the society. Along with this, development of leadership qualities is also necessary along with education, so that the youth of the society do not just look towards jobs, but contribute to the development of the society by adopting leadership qualities.

Efforts towards a solution

Some important steps need to be taken to bring Rana Tharu society into the mainstream of development.

1. **Innovation in business**: People of the society should focus on business along with traditional farming. For this, they will need training and guidance, so that they can take advantage of new business opportunities and become economically empowered. Government and non-government organizations should also cooperate in this direction, so that business skills can be provided to the society.

2. **Improvement in education**: High quality education should be provided to the children of the society. For this, good teachers, necessary resources, and career guidance facilities should be provided in schools. Along with this, they should be taught leadership qualities, so that they can lead the society in future.

3. **Political Awareness**: The youth of the society should be motivated to actively participate in politics. For this, they should be informed about the political processes and encouraged to participate in local elections. This will make the voice of the society heard on political platforms and it will be possible to resolve their issues.

4. **Economic Empowerment**: To economically empower the people of the society, cooperative societies can be formed which can help farmers in getting fair prices, support trade, and solve economic problems.

### conclusion

Rana Tharu community has made progress in many fields since independence, but still this community is deprived of reaching heights in business, higher administrative posts, and politics. For this, people of the community need to work harder.

There is a need to promote education, business, and political awareness for the development of the society. If the people of the society work together and teach their children higher education and leadership qualities, then certainly the Rana Tharu society will also be able to join the mainstream of development and touch heights.

It is time for the Rana Tharu community to accelerate its pace of development and create a bright future for the coming generations. Only the unity of the community, hard work, and efforts in the right direction can take it to a point where it can realize all its dreams.

Note: The above are personal views, others may have different views.
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