Rana Tharu Samaj: Strategy to take the credibility of the organization to new heights by connecting with Aadhaar"**:Naveen Singh Rana

Rana Tharu Samaj: Strategy to take the credibility of the organization to new heights by connecting with Aadhaar"**
:Naveen Singh Rana

Rana Tharu society is a society that preserves the historical and rich cultural heritage of North India. The glorious past and bright future of this society can be possible only when the society organizes and empowers itself. To achieve this goal, we have to create a social organization linked to Aadhaar, which can increase its credibility in every village by strengthening its hold on the people.

Any organisation of Rana Tharu Samaj will be successful only when people from every section, age and every region of the society actively participate in it. To strengthen the foundation of the organisation, it is first necessary that all the members of the society unite and have a sense of cooperation towards each other. Through this unity, the society needs a powerful organisational structure, which is connected to the base and maintains its hold on the people.

1. **Formation of local committees**: Local committees of Rana Tharu Samaj organization should be formed in every village and town. These committees will play an important role in solving local problems and working for the society. This will not only increase mutual understanding among the people of the society but will also strengthen the credibility of the society.

2. **Education and awareness campaign**: Campaigns should be run to spread education and awareness among all sections of the society. From children to the elderly, everyone should be explained the importance of education. Also, work should be done to spread awareness on social, cultural and economic issues to protect the interests of the society.

3. Expansion of health services: Providing health services to every member of the society should be a prime duty. For this, medical camps can be organized at the local level. This will help the people of the society to deal with health related problems and improve their quality of life.

4. **Youth Empowerment**: Active involvement of youth is very important for the success of the organization. Passionate and energetic youth can be an important part of the organization, who will not only participate in the leadership of the society but will also strengthen the image of the society.

5. **Preservation of Practices and Traditional Knowledge**: Preservation of traditional knowledge and practices is essential to preserve and carry forward the traditional heritage of the society. This will not only keep the history of the society alive but will also keep the future generations connected to their roots.

Formation of the executive: A confluence of the experienced and the enthusiastic

There should be a balance in the executive body of the organisation, which should be a combination of experienced and enthusiastic youth. Experienced members will help in giving direction to the organisation and resolving complex issues, while the youth will provide momentum to the organisation with their energy, innovative ideas and passion. Such balanced leadership will make the society strong not only for today but also for the future.

Image of society: ideals and role models

The image of Rana Tharu society should be that of an ideal and a source of inspiration in the society. For this, the members of the society should set an example in the society through their conduct, behavior and actions. By adopting the qualities of honesty, service, cooperation and collectivism, the image of the society can be made even more excellent.


The creation of a strong and organized organization for the Rana Tharu society is the need of the hour. Connecting to Aadhaar, strengthening its hold on the masses, increasing credibility in every village, and establishing balance in the executive will help take the society to a new level. If the society takes steps in this direction, not only will the credibility of the society increase but every member of the society will feel proud that he is a part of this great society. Every step taken in this direction will take the Rana Tharu society to new heights.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

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