Priorities of society: It is necessary to think about internal problems before external issues"**:Naveen Singh Rana

Priorities of society: It is necessary to think about internal problems before external issues"**
:Naveen Singh Rana

It is a matter of great happiness that the people of our society are now rising above their regional problems and discussing the problems of the country, religion, and borders. This shows that the thinking class of the society has now started thinking about national and global issues as well. But, an important question arises in this entire scenario: Are we ignoring the basic problems of our society? Are the people of our society focusing on those issues which are directly affecting our social, economic, and cultural condition?

Our Rana community, which has been the flag bearer of a distinct identity and proud heritage for years, is today being exploited by people of its own religion. Our lands are being snatched away, dignity is being robbed, and employment opportunities are being denied to us. Despite this, we are only busy saying that we are in danger from people of other religions. It is ironic that even when our own people are violating our rights, we are discussing more about external threats.

It is important to pay attention to such issues, but we must also understand that if we cannot solve the problems within our society, then it will be useless to deal with external problems. Our own farms, barns, and jobs are being taken away by people of our own religion, yet we are talking about national and international issues. The question arises whether we are giving priority to those issues which are actually affecting our society?

It is true that issues of country, religion, and borders are important. But it is equally important that we focus on the internal problems of our society. We cannot do much about these big issues directly. We can only make posts viral on social media, but this will not improve the condition of society. On the contrary, if we think about the problems of our society and take concrete steps to solve them, then our society can definitely benefit.

We have to understand that our responsibility towards the country is as important as our responsibility towards our society. But if we focus on external problems without putting out the fire of our own home, then ultimately we may fail on both the fronts. We should discuss the issues of our society before considering external issues, so that we can create a strong society, which will later be able to serve the country and religion as well.

So, instead of discussing only external problems like Rohingya, other religions or political issues in our group, we should also think deeply about the problems of our society. This will make people of our society aware and bring positive changes in their lives.

By adopting this idea we can create a strong and organized society, which is also capable of serving the country and religion.
Thank you


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

**"मेहनत और सफलता की यात्रा: हंसवाहिनी कोचिंग की कहानी"**

राणा समाज और उनकी उच्च संस्कृति written by shrimati pushpa Rana