Organized contribution of the working class of Rana Tharu society: Efforts towards unity and empowerment in the interest of society**: Article: Naveen Singh Rana

Organized contribution of the working class of Rana Tharu society: Efforts towards unity and empowerment in the interest of society**: Article
: Naveen Singh Rana

Rana Tharu community, an ancient and rich community of North India, has preserved its glorious history, cultural heritage and traditions from generation to generation. Today, people of this community are working in various departments and services—be it education, health, administration, police, banking, agriculture, technical field, or any other department. People of the community working in these various departments are not only succeeding in their personal and professional lives, but can also play a strong role for their society.

At present, there is a need for every working class of Rana Tharu society to unite under one umbrella and ensure their contribution in the interest of the society. This organized effort will not only give a new direction to the society, but can also play an important role in the development and progress of the society.
1. **Formation and activation of employees unions**

The first and most important step to unite the employees working in various departments of the society is the formation of employee unions. These unions will work to bring the employees of all departments of the society on one platform, where they can discuss with each other, share their problems and make plans in the interest of the society.

- **Departmental Employees Union**:
Employees of every department can form their own departmental associations, in which members of the society can unite and discuss departmental issues. Through these associations, strategies can be made to contribute to the development of the society.

- **Collective Associations**:
Employee unions of different departments can be combined to form a collective union which will organise all the employees of the society under one umbrella. This collective union will work collectively on various problems of the society and discuss ways to find solutions.

2. **Contribution in education and career guidance**

The most important contribution of the employees of Rana Tharu society can be in the field of education and career guidance. The young generation of the society can be prepared for the future by providing them the right guidance and support in the field of education.

- **Educational Workshops & Seminars**
: Employees working in various departments can organize educational workshops and seminars for the children and youth of the society. In these, they can share their experiences in their respective fields and give information about various career options to the young generation.

- **Mentoring Program**:
A mentoring program can be started by the employees in which they will personally guide the youth of the society. This program can be extremely useful for students who are unsure about their career and need the right direction.

3. **Active participation in social services**

The working class of Rana Tharu society should also play an active role in social services. Even small efforts made for the welfare of the society can bring big changes.

- **health services**
: Regular health check-up camps can be organized for the people of the society by the staff working in the health department. Apart from this, cleanliness drives, vaccination drives and health awareness programs can also be organized.

- **Legal Aid**
: Employees working in administrative and legal departments can provide legal aid and advice to the people of the society. They can make the people of the society aware of their rights and duties, which will strengthen the sense of justice and equality in the society.

- **Economic and Financial Advice*
: Employees working in banking and financial departments can give advice to the people of the society about financial management, investment and savings. This will help in strengthening the economic condition of the society and make people financially self-reliant.

4. **Preservation of cultural and traditional heritage**

The working class can play an important role in preserving the cultural heritage and traditions of the Rana Tharu community.

- **Organization of cultural programs**:
Employees working in various departments of the society can organize cultural programs in which the traditions, dance, music and art of the Rana Tharu society are showcased. This will help in connecting the younger generation of the society with their culture.

- **Preservation of Traditional Knowledge**:
Agricultural and environmental workers can play an important role in preserving the traditional knowledge of the society. They can make people of the society aware about traditional farming, identification of herbs and environmental protection.

5. **Joint efforts for the development of society**

One of the main objectives of the working class of Rana Tharu society should be to make joint efforts for the overall development of the society.

- **Creation of development plans**:
Employees working in various departments can collectively make plans for the development of the society. These plans can include various aspects of education, health, environment, and economic development.

- **Volunteer Service Program for Society**:
Regular volunteer programmes can be organized by the employees for the society, in which members of the society can also be involved. This will promote a sense of togetherness and cooperation in the society.


The organized and collective contribution of the employees of Rana Tharu society can play an important role in the development and progress of the society. In today's time, when people of the society are working in different departments, it is very important for them to organize themselves under one umbrella and work in the interest of the society.

By taking steps like forming employee unions, education and career guidance, active participation in social services, preservation of cultural heritage, and joint efforts for the development of the society, the employees of Rana Tharu Samaj can not only contribute to the progress of the society but can also set an ideal example for the society.

This organized effort will not only enhance the credibility of the society, but will also infuse a new energy and confidence in every member of the society. With every step taken in this direction, the Rana Tharu society will emerge as a strong and progressive society.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

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