Rana Tharu Parishad: A glorious journey:✍️Naveen Singh Rana

Rana Tharu Parishad: A glorious journey
:✍️Naveen Singh Rana
(I have tried to write this article according to the information received from various sources. If there is any mistake due to mistake or lack of information, then I hope you will help in correcting it.)

The initial seed – the resolve to uplift society

The Rana Tharu community, settled amidst nature, surrounded by mountains, rivers, and dense forests, is a symbol of simplicity and bravery. The roots of this community are deeply embedded in the history of Indian civilization. For centuries, the Rana Tharu people have been following their customs and rituals. They have preserved their customs, traditions and cultural heritage. The journey of upliftment and development of this unique society began in the year 1960, when a dream was seen – to provide education, employment and respect to the people of our society. This dream was not just a dream but a dream of providing education, employment and respect to the people of our society. It was not just an individual's but the hopes of the entire society were attached to it. From this concept came the birth of *Nogwan Thaggu Vikas Samiti*, which later became famous as "Rana Tharu Parishad".

Shri Omprakash Singh Rana, who was the guide of this movement, ignited the flame of development of Rana Tharu society. Along with him were some eminent people of the society, including Shri Ramesh Chandra Rana, Shri Bahadur Singh Rana, Madan Singh Rana, and others. Prominent members included. All of them together decided a new direction for the betterment of the society. Everyone had the same dream in their hearts-to get their society the respect and rights it deserves.

Establishment of Rana Tharu Council: A Milestone

In the year 1961, the name of Nogwan Thaggu Vikas Samiti was changed to "Tharu Rana Parishad". With this name, a new chapter of the development of the society was written. This name was not just of an institution, but of the unity and dignity of the society. It became a symbol. The first meeting of the council was held at the residence of late Babbal Singh Rana, village Gurkhuda. 31 people present in this historic meeting witnessed this step taken towards the progress of the society.

In the year 1965, Rana Tharu Parishad was formally registered, and with this it became the first organized effort of the society, which also received government recognition. This moment of registration has been written in golden letters in the history of Rana Tharu society. added a page with . Its founding members—Om Prakash Rana, Gopi Ram Rana, Jogidas Rana, Buddhi Singh, and Badam Singh—kept the movement alive and expanded it to every corner of society.

Steps towards social service and development

Rana Tharu Parishad took the initiative to empower the society in the fields of education, health, and employment. It was not just an organization, but a family in which the well-being of every member was taken care of. The main objective of the Parishad was not only development , but to make every person of the society aware of his responsibilities and rights. This goal of the council inspired not only the Rana Tharu society but also other communities.

Tharu Vikas Bhavan was constructed in the year 2004-05, which was a historic achievement for the Rana Tharu community. This building was not just made of bricks and stones, but the hard work, dedication and pride of the community was woven into it. . Shri Gopal Singh Rana (former MLA), Shri Dan Singh Rana (former Block Pramukh), Shri Ramesh Rana, Late Lavru Singh Rana, Smt. Lilavati Rana and Smt. Poonam Rana had special contribution in the construction of this building.

Leadership and glorious journey

From the year 1965 till now, many prominent presidents and general secretaries of Rana Tharu Parishad have taken the society to new heights with their leadership. Their struggle and dedication is an inspirational story for the Rana Tharu society. Every president and general secretary has contributed towards the development of the society. He sacrificed everything for this cause. He worked for the betterment of the society in the fields of education, health and employment. His efforts are an inspiration not only for the Rana Tharu community but also for every person who wants to do something for his society. .

Emotional and cultural heritage

The civilization, culture and traditions of the Rana Tharu society are still alive today. This society never abandoned natural beauty and its cultural values. Every step of the Rana Tharu Council was towards maintaining the honor and dignity of every person of the society. Even today every person of the society considers this council as a part of his life.

Honor and glory

The lessons of unity, respect, and self-reliance taught by the Rana Tharu Council to its society were not limited to the Rana Tharu community alone, but other communities also took inspiration from it. This organization is an example of when a society unites and decides its future. If he decides the direction, he can make even the impossible possible.

This council is not just an institution but a symbol of pride and respect in the heart of every person of Rana Tharu society. It is an inspiration for all those who pledge to do something for their society and country. Rana Tharu Council This journey is not only a part of the past but also a direction for the future – a direction leading towards prosperity and development of the society.

For every individual of Rana Tharu Samaj, this council is the saga of their struggles and successes, which they proudly cherish in their hearts.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

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