Thinking is different and the journey is one: Inspirational poemWritten and Published by Naveen Singh Rana

Thinking is different and the journey is one: 

Thinking is different and the journey is one: Inspirational poem
Written and Published by Naveen Singh Rana

You have great thinking, and so do I.
But there is a wall of selfishness in your way,
You break even as you join,
And my view is only about connecting.

I unite, I do not divide,
There is no spark of selfishness in my heart.
You don't care about anyone, and neither do I,
But our cares tell a different story.

You want to run and move forward,
You leave the world behind at a fast speed.
I also want to move forward,
But my steps are connected with patience.

You are competing to get ahead of others,
My only competition is with myself,
I don't want to upset anyone,
I just want to improve myself.

For you the only destination is victory,
For me, travelling is my way of life.
There is shine and wealth in your competition,
There is peace and love in my competition.

Your paths are different, your dreams too,
My dreams are just a little different.
You want that destination,
Where everyone bows their head in your name.

I want that recognition,
Where my honour resides in the hearts.
Your victory is loud,
There is only peace and pride in my victory.

Your thinking is big, and so am I.
Both of us have different paths.
But with just this much difference,
The colors of our story are hidden.

Just the thought that I have now
I look at you constantly.
Looks like I'm alone now
And everyone agrees with you.

But I'm all alone
But at the root of that tree,
that we made together
My own thoughts are hidden.

Some decisions I made
Maybe they will be right someday.
with just this hope
I am continuously walking on this path.

no matter where you go
You will definitely reach your destination.
Even if the paths are different,
But the goal is the same. poem
Published by Naveen Singh Rana

You have great thinking, and so do I.
But there is a wall of selfishness in your way,
You break even as you join,
And my view is only about connecting.

I unite, I do not divide,
There is no spark of selfishness in my heart.
You don't care about anyone, and neither do I,
But our cares tell a different story.

You want to run and move forward,
You leave the world behind at a fast speed.
I also want to move forward,
But my steps are connected with patience.

You are competing to get ahead of others,
My only competition is with myself,
I don't want to upset anyone,
I just want to improve myself.

For you the only destination is victory,
For me, travelling is my way of life.
There is shine and wealth in your competition,
There is peace and love in my competition.

Your paths are different, your dreams too,
My dreams are just a little different.
You want that destination,
Where everyone bows their head in your name.

I want that recognition,
Where my honour resides in the hearts.
Your victory is loud,
There is only peace and pride in my victory.

Your thinking is big, and so am I.
Both of us have different paths.
But with just this much difference,
The colors of our story are hidden.

Just the thought that I have now
I look at you constantly.
Looks like I'm alone now
And everyone agrees with you.

But I'm all alone
But at the root of that tree,
that we made together
My own thoughts are hidden.

Some decisions I made
Maybe they will be right someday.
with just this hope
I am continuously walking on this path.

no matter where you go
You will definitely reach your destination.
Even if the paths are different,
But the goal is the same.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

**"मेहनत और सफलता की यात्रा: हंसवाहिनी कोचिंग की कहानी"**

राणा समाज और उनकी उच्च संस्कृति written by shrimati pushpa Rana