The story of freedom from the chains of superstition**

The story of freedom from the chains of superstition**
Published by Naveen Singh Rana
The same tradition had been going on for generations in a village called Sudarshanpur. Every year, the villagers used to attend Baba's satsang in large numbers. Baba claimed that he had divine powers that could solve everyone's problems. The villagers' devotion was so deep that they had stopped using their thinking and discretion. And they kept on associating with him day and night with faith. And they kept on hoping for every task to be done through wishes and prayers. Due to which sometimes they had to face big troubles. But they did not let their faith waver.

Rajendra Singh was the most educated person in the village. He had studied in a big city and was a supporter of science and logic. When he came back to the village, he saw that instead of finding solutions to the difficulties in their lives due to superstition, people were making their problems even more complicated. He decided to talk to the villagers, but no one listened to him. People even called him an atheist and thought it was wrong to talk to him. Rajendra did not like this.

One day, there was a huge stampede during Baba's discourse at a place. A huge crowd had gathered for Baba's satsang, and many people were injured in the stampede. The atmosphere in the village was sad. Rajendra saw this incident as an opportunity and he gathered the people of the village. He decided to tell his point through a story.


Once upon a time, a very knowledgeable and spiritual baba used to live in a small village in the lap of Himalayas. His name was Sant Subodhanand. He did not perform any miracle in his entire life, but showed people the path of self-knowledge and self-reliance. People used to come in large numbers to his satsang, but they never turned into a crowd. Sant Subodhanand always taught his disciples that devotion and logic complement each other. Prayers have power but just praying does not complete the work, man has to do some work with his discretion as well. Logical work helps in getting success in life. And superstition leads us towards downfall, from which man should try to avoid.

One day, a big problem came in the village. The water source of the village dried up and the condition of the crops started deteriorating. People got worried and approached Saint Subodhananda and started asking him for a solution. The saint calmed everyone down and said, "Devotees, God has given us discretion. We should use our mind and find a solution to this problem ourselves." God will also support you only when all of you do something with your discretion.

The saint gathered the educated youth of the village and showed them the way to find and revive the water source. By creating greenery in nature and by storing water in the ground, the youth created a new water system using science and logic, and then the water problem in the village was solved, and the villagers became prosperous again.


Rajendra told the villagers, "Like our Saint Subodhananda, we should also try to find solutions to our problems ourselves. We should maintain a balance between devotion and wisdom. Only by breaking free from the chains of superstition can we take our lives in the right direction."

The villagers understood Rajendra's point. They stopped blindly following a Baba or a preacher and started using their own reason and logic. They realized that true devotion is what makes us humble and free, not what binds us in the chains of superstition.

In this way, the people of Sudarshanpur started living a happy and independent life by balancing prudence and devotion in their lives. And Rajendra, with his thinking and reasoning, became the guide of the village, freeing everyone from the chains of superstition.

We all should also understand these things in our life using our discretion and logic and free ourselves from the chains of superstition and worship the power of nature. And thank that power which gave us life. And protect this green earth and nature which has been given to us and take care of it.
Thank you
Presentation of Rana Culture Manjusha

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राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

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