Real truth of life: Story

Real truth of life: Story

Published by Naveen Singh Rana

In a small village, where life was simple and people had big hearts, an old farmer, Ramlal Singh Rana, worked hard on his small farm. His life was very simple, but he had a priceless treasure - his experience and the real truths of life.

Ramlal Singh had a grandson, Raju. Raju had studied in the city and was always impressed by his grandfather's stories. During summer vacations, he came to the village and had the opportunity to spend time with his grandfather.

One day, Raju Singh asked his grandfather, "Grandpa, you always say that the real truth of life is hidden in simple things. Can you explain me what it means?"

Ramlal Singh smiled and said, "Of course, son. Come, let me tell you a story today."

Ramlal Singh began to tell, "A long time ago, there was a very wealthy king. He had everything, but still he was not happy. He announced in his kingdom that he would give half the kingdom to anyone who could make him happy by telling him the real truth of life."

"Hearing the king's announcement, people came from far and wide and started saying their own things, but no one could satisfy the king. Finally, a sage came there. He told the king that the real truth of life is very simple, but to understand it you have to spend a few days with me."

"The king thought, let's give it a try. He went with the sadhu. The sadhu made him work in the fields, sent him to cut trees in the forest, and advised him to live a simple life with the villagers. In a few days, the king realized that he found real happiness in the simple things he was doing with the sadhu."

Ramlal Singh looked into Raju's eyes and said, "Raju, this is the real truth of life - hard work, simplicity, and living together with people. The more we find happiness in simple things, the simpler and happier life will be."

Raju understood his grandfather's words deeply and decided that he would also give importance to these simple things in his life. The more we run after complicated things, the more complicated life becomes.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

**"मेहनत और सफलता की यात्रा: हंसवाहिनी कोचिंग की कहानी"**

राणा समाज और उनकी उच्च संस्कृति written by shrimati pushpa Rana