Pride of Rana Tharu society: Successful organization of India-Nepal Rana Tharu Friendship Conference 2024**

Pride of Rana Tharu society: Successful organization of India-Nepal Rana Tharu Friendship Conference 2024**
Published by Naveen Singh Rana
*Khatima, 8 June 2024*: With the aim of strengthening the historical and cultural ties between the members of the Rana Tharu community of India and Nepal, the "India-Nepal Rana Tharu Maitri Sammelan 2024" was successfully organized at Parvati Mandap, Kanjabag, Khatima. Rana Tharu people from Khatima, Sitarganj and Lakhimpur (Uttar Pradesh) of India and Nepal participated in this important conference organized under the leadership of Rana Tharu Yuva Manch.

### Start of the program

The conference began with the lighting of lamps and welcoming the guests by making them wear Rana Tharu caps. During this time, all the participants communicated in Rana Tharu dialect, which made the cultural specialty of the conference clear.

### Key Discussion Points

During the programme, there were in-depth discussions on economic, social and cultural issues. The major discussion points were as follows:

1. ** Financial **: Daijo, Vaina, Dharam Bakhri
2. **Social**: Friends, songs, dance, music
3. **Art, Language and Literature**: Dastan, Doha, Bairas, Jokes

### Work on critical points

Based on these discussions, several important points emerged which required action:

1. **Exploring History**: Understanding the origin and identity of the Rana Tharu community
2. **Roti-Beti ke Rishta**: Strengthening social harmony and cultural ties
3. **Transfer of Culture**: Making the younger generation aware of cultural heritage
4. **Economic Prosperity**: Economic improvement through commercialization of ancient art
5. **Education**: Raising the education level of the community

### Prominent members present at the conference

The following prominent members were present at the conference:

- Jagat Singh, Spokesperson, Tharu Public Welfare Committee
– Kishan Rana, Native Tribal Welfare Organization
- Jagannath Singh, Scheduled Tribe Upliftment Committee
- Dillu Singh, President, Rana Tharu Youth Forum
– Padam Singh, author
- Naveen Singh, Writing Incharge Rana Tharu Youth Forum
– Tirtha Raj Rana, Rana Tharu Upliftment Forum
- Nand Lal Rana,
- Dr. Dev Singh Senior Advisor Rana Tharu Youth Forum
- Dan Singh Rana, President Rana Tharu Council
- Surjit Singh , Manoj Singh , Pawan Singh , Vastav Singh , Ghanshyam Singh , Kamaldeep Singh , Upendra Singh , Rajveer Singh , Malkit Singh , - Ram Kishore Singh , Hajura Singh

### Objective of the conference and future plans

The main objective of the conference was to unite the Rana Tharu community and preserve their cultural heritage. On the successful conclusion of the conference, all the participants expressed their gratitude to each other and hoped to organize such conferences in the future as well.

This event not only gave the members of the Rana Tharu community an opportunity to understand their history and culture, but also provided them a platform to discuss their economic and social problems together. It has been resolved to organize more such conferences in the future so that the cultural and social prosperity of the Rana Tharu society can be further strengthened.

Thus, the "India-Nepal Rana Tharu Friendship Conference 2024" has played an important role in strengthening the history, culture and social unity of the Rana Tharu society. Through the conference, the people of the community came together and resolved to work together for the advancement of their society and preservation of cultural heritage in the future.

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राणा एकता मंच बरेली द्वारा अयोजित वीर शिरोमणी महाराणा प्रताप सिंह जयंती कार्यक्रम published by Naveen Singh Rana

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