Rana Tharu Parishad: A glorious journey:✍️Naveen Singh Rana
Rana Tharu Parishad: A glorious journey :✍️Naveen Singh Rana (I have tried to write this article according to the information received from various sources. If there is any mistake due to mistake or lack of information, then I hope you will help in correcting it.) The initial seed – the resolve to uplift society The Rana Tharu community, settled amidst nature, surrounded by mountains, rivers, and dense forests, is a symbol of simplicity and bravery. The roots of this community are deeply embedded in the history of Indian civilization. For centuries, the Rana Tharu people have been following their customs and rituals. They have preserved their customs, traditions and cultural heritage. The journey of upliftment and development of this unique society began in the year 1960, when a dream was seen – to provide education, employment and respect to the people of our society. This dream was not just a dream but a dream of providing education, employment and respect to the people of our societ...